Wholesale Jagua Gel

Product image 1Wholesale Jagua Gel
Product image 2Wholesale Jagua Gel
Product image 3Wholesale Jagua Gel
Product image 4Wholesale Jagua Gel

Regular price $1,704.00

Looking for wholesale Jagua? You can now find it here. From seasonal orders to recurring we can supply all your Jagua needs. For special requests or quantities contact us and we will be happy to help! 

Our wholesale top quality Jagua ink tattoo gel is ideal for supplying a multiple venue business or those gearing up for a busy month.

The Jagua Gel Ink for temporary tattoos is made of great natural ingredients which include: Organic Genipa Americana Fruit Juice, Xanthan Gum, and Organic Lavandula Angustifolia Oil.

Squeeze the amount needed for daily use into one or 1/2 ounce applicator bottles and store it in a cool location for up to two weeks no more than 30 days.

After 30 days the jagua stain is less and less strong. 

If you don't use your jagua within the first month of purchase the best way to keep your jagua gel fresh is to divide it into small portion into a 1/2 oz plastic bottle and keeping it in the freezer make sure to squeeze out the air from the bottle while frozen to avoid water crystals build up.
Storing the remainder jagua gel ink in the freezer will extend the jagua stain for up to one year.

Enjoy beautiful and quality temporary tattoos today with our 16 Ounce Bottle of Fresh Jagua Tattoo Gel. 16 Ounce Bottle of Fresh Jagua Tattoo Gel is a product of great researched, manufactured from the freshest natural and food grade ingredients so that you are never worried about the ill side effects associated with synthetically designed formulas. It makes a perfect substitution for those interested in the same great results usually obtained with henna. This is the perfect product for individuals interested in nice temporary tattoos that can last for between one week and one month, subject to your skin type. 

Feel free to use 16 Ounce Bottle of Fresh Jagua Tattoo Gel since it is 100% safe and there are no chances of you developing any allergic reactions as is always the case with other types of tattoo gels. But for those who may have allergic reactions to natural products such as strawberries or blueberries, then it would be a good idea to do a skin test before using the  16 Ounce Bottle of Fresh Jagua Tattoo Gel. Otherwise, this gel is perfectly safe for most people and most uses and you can always use it without worrying about s serious allergic reactions. 
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